Who Is Native Glass?

Shé:kon, I’m Jody! I’m the artist and owner of Native Glass, located on Six Nations of the Grand River.

I first learned how to do stained glass art as a hobby with my mom in 2020, but have since found a deep connection with the artistic medium.

Stained glass art has become a beautiful and meaningful way to share parts of who I am, my culture and where I come from.

Growing up on Six Nations, my culture has always been represented in vibrant and colourful ways that could be seen throughout many traditional art forms.

I was diagnosed and have often struggled with generalized anxiety disorder. Stained glass art has helped keep me resilient during the hardships of my mental health journey.

My main focus is to create unique, indigenous stained glass art but I’m also very passionate about doing fundraisers! I’ve raised money for the Six Nations Veterans Association, Ganhohkwasra: Family Assault Support Services and the Woodland Cultural Centre’s Resource Library.

I’m very thankful that my art has allowed me to raise awareness for specific organizations and that I’m able to give back to my own community.